September 30, 2010

Polizei stoppte jugendliches Diebsduo -

Polizei stoppte jugendliches Diebsduo - "Teil einer Gruppe
Die beiden stehen außerdem im Verdacht einer Gruppe anzugehören, die von Sopron aus bereits mehrmals Diebstähle in Österreich verübten.

Auf freiem Fuß angezeigt
Gegen einen der beiden Jugendlichen besteht bereits ein aufrechtes Aufenthaltsverbot. Über Anordnung der Staatsanwaltschaft Eisenstadt wurden sie schließlich auf freiem Fuß angezeigt.

September 27, 2010

Travel guide: Sopron, Hungary - by Melinda Brasher - Page 2 - Helium

Travel guide: Sopron, Hungary - by Melinda Brasher - Page 2 - Helium: "Sopron is a city steeped in history, not always pleasant, but now it's a beautiful place to visit. Whether you go for the wine, the woods, or to wander its medieval streets, enjoy your time in one of the westernmost cities in Hungary.

Travel guide: Sopron, Hungary - by Melinda Brasher - Helium

Travel guide: Sopron, Hungary - by Melinda Brasher - Helium: "The town of Sopron, currently on the border of Hungary and Austria, has been caught up in many power struggles through its long history, bounced from empire to empire. In 1921, when the winners of WWI realigned borders in many of their opponents' countries, Sopron was caught on the edge again, but this time they were given the choice: did they want to be part of Austria, or rejoin Hungary? Overwhelmingly they chose Hungary. But when the iron curtain descended, dividing the east from the west, many families were split up, half in Austria, half in Hungary.

Gauner wollten mit "Vital-Matratze" abkassieren - Einsatz für die AK - Niederösterreich -

Gauner wollten mit "Vital-Matratze" abkassieren - Einsatz für die AK - Niederösterreich - "Mit einem Bus ging es für die Pensionisten nach Sopron, wo sie langatmige Präsentationen über sich ergehen lassen mussten. Über 1.000 Euro für die Matratze samt dem dazugehörigen 'Imprägnier- Wasser' sollten die Rentner zahlen. Von den angeblichen Gewinnen, die in den verschickten Prospekten angepriesen worden waren, bekamen die Betroffenen freilich nichts zu sehen. Werbeschmäh mit Matratzen aus der Mayo-Klinik Werbeschmäh mit Matratzen aus der Mayo-Klinik: "Wien (OTS/AKNÖ) - 15 NiederösterreicherInnen gingen dieser Tage auf Werbefahrt mit unbekanntem Ziel. Sie landeten im Hotel Rosengarten in Sopron, wo sie Matratzen aus der Mayo-Klinik angepriesen bekamen. AKNÖ-Konsumentenberaterin Christa Hörmann war inkognito dabei. Sie verständigte die ungarische Konsumentenschutzbehörde, der Präsentator der Verkaufsveranstaltung wird bestraft. Jenen, die sich zu Verträgen überreden ließen, konnte die AKNÖ weiterhelfen.

September 23, 2010

Spanish animators launch 3D armada | News | Rapid TV News

Spanish animators launch 3D armada | News | Rapid TV News: "At the recent Hjek festival in the Hungarian city of Sopron, said to be the most important meeting for European professionals involved in animation contents, Spanish animators demstrated their wares to potential co-producers and TV channels owners.

Spanish animators will also be bringing their creativity to MIP Junior taking place next month in France’s Cannes. Here the Spanish companies’ children’s content offerings will show how they are adapting to technological changes and formats.

In this market, digital technologies have come to the fore, particularly those that are involved with modifying content creation so that essentially content is adaptable and exportable to any platform. And here Spain is a Pioneer European country in the creation of 3D HD content

Cartoon Forum 2010 | Brown Blog Films · the official blog of Brown Bag Films, an Irish animation studio

Cartoon Forum 2010 | Brown Blog Films · the official blog of Brown Bag Films, an Irish animation studio: "Last week I headed to Sopron, Hungary for Cartoon Forum, the biggest annual gathering of the European animation community. Each year the Forum is held in a different European town, and about 1,000 animation industry people descended on Sopron to pitch 60 new projects to broadcasters, distributors and co-producers.

Plädoyer für Basel IV -

Plädoyer für Basel IV - "Im Nachlauf der Finalisierung von Basel III skizzieren Experten bereits Grundzüge eines vierten Eigenkapitalakkords.
In einem Gastbeitrag für die Financial Times Deutschland thematisiert Mark Joób von der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der ungarischen Universität Sopron die Notwendigkeit eines Nachfolgerregelwerks für das jetzt finalisierte Basel III – hier als Basel IV bezeichnet. Einleitend begrüßt der Experte jedoch die Stoßrichtung und Ausgestaltung des dritten Eigenkapitalakkords:

September 22, 2010

Euro Film Academy names top toons - Entertainment News, International News, Media - Variety

Euro Film Academy names top toons - Entertainment News, International News, Media - Variety: "Meanwhile, European animation was front and center at last week's Cartoon Forum in Sopron, Hungary, where producers from across Europe presented 62 animated series projects to broadcasters and investors interested in animated content.

The three-day event drew some 700 participants from 33 countries, including 230 buyers.

French animation accounted for a third of the projects, while new European Union countries led by Hungary, presented 10 series, underscoring the animation industry's rapid growth in the region.

September 21, 2010

New Way to Demolish a House (4 pics + 1 video) » Izismile - Pictures, videos, games and more

New Way to Demolish a House (4 pics + 1 video) » Izismile - Pictures, videos, games and more: "Should you blow a building? But it’s not neat at all. There will be too much dust and too many broken bricks.

So Toronto builders came up with a more unique way on how to demolish a house. Maybe it’s not that unique, but it’s still pretty interesting. Remember to watch the video of this demolishing process!

September 20, 2010

Cartoon d’Or für Film aus Estland - Animation : lifestyle, cinema | euronews

Cartoon d’Or für Film aus Estland - Animation : lifestyle, cinema | euronews: "Zum Abschluss des diesjährigen Cartoon-Forums ist ein Trickfilm aus Estland namens Krokodil mit dem Cartoon d’Or ausgezeichnet worden.
Das Forum ist ein wichtiger Marktplatz für Animationsserien; die 21. Ausgabe fand im ungarischen Sopron statt.

Estonia’s ‘Crocodile’ scoops cartoon Oscar - Animation : lifestyle, cinema | euronews

Estonia’s ‘Crocodile’ scoops cartoon Oscar - Animation : lifestyle, cinema | euronews: "“The Cartoon d’Or, which comes with 10,000 euros in cash, is a launch pad into the international animation industry,” said euronews reporter Wolfgang Spindler, speaking from the awards ceremony at Sopron. “Most of those who have won this award in the past have got into the production of feature length or TV projects.”

La animación española se vende bien en Europa | Televisión |

La animación española se vende bien en Europa | Televisión | "Pero su viaje a Sopron (Hungría) no ha sido estéril. Unos más y otros menos han conseguido despertar el interés de cadenas de televisión y de inversores, pero la cautela ha sido el denominador común en todo ellos. Por experiencias anteriores, saben que las loas y los parabienes a sus proyectos es una inyección de moral para seguir creyendo y luchando por ellos, pero que hasta que ese interés no se plasme en un contrato, no hay nada hecho.

September 17, 2010

Cine&Tele Online - La comedia predomina en los proyectos de Cartoon Forum 2010

Cine&Tele Online - La comedia predomina en los proyectos de Cartoon Forum 2010: "Irene Jiménez, enviada especial Sopron, Hungría.- La segunda jornada de pitchings de la vigesimoprimera edición del foro de coproduccion de animación para televisión europeo ha acogido la presentacion de 'Mau and the grandkids' de Screen 21 y Genoma Animation con el aval de BRB, y 'Four and a half friends' de Edebé Audiovisual. La serie 'Socks', de Filmax Animation y Keytoon Animation Studio, tuvo su espacio en la tarde de ayer con éxito entre los asistentes.

September 16, 2010

Maw and Paw's Day Dream Adventures: He who writes the history controls the history

Maw and Paw's Day Dream Adventures: He who writes the history controls the history: "We've seen lots of memorials in honor of the fall of the Iron Curtain and the Revolution of 1956 against the Russians. We haven't seen any in honor of the Second World War when Hungary was aligned with Hitler. However, we found these interesting monuments in honor of the First World War. We aren't too sure about the meaning of everything. Our little pocket tourist dictionary doesn't seem to think that tourists want to translate the writing on war monuments. Even the nearby tourist office wasn't sure, but this seems to be the message. This statue seems to honor 17,464 heroes, perhaps from Sopron, who died in battle--though that number seems high since even today Sopron has perhaps 60,000 people.

Sopron, una ciudad muy animada | Televisión |

Sopron, una ciudad muy animada | Televisión | "Si hace 15 días semanas, Vitoria fue la capital española de la ficción para televisión (FesTVal), esta semana la capital europea de la animación para la pequeña pantalla es la ciudad de Sopron. Esta localidad húngara, fronteriza con Austria (a 60 kilómetros de Viena) acoge la 21ª edición del Cartoon Forum, la reunión más importante de la animación en Europa.

ISA-GUIDE - Weitere Expansion mit stilvollem Freizeitvergnügen

ISA-GUIDE - Weitere Expansion mit stilvollem Freizeitvergnügen: "Bratislava/Sopron/Espelkamp. Erstklassiges Entertainment in stilvollem Ambiente wird Besuchern in den neuen Merkur Casino-Filialen geboten, die am 10. und 23. September in Sopron (Ungarn) und Bratislava (Slowakei) eröffnet worden sind. In Sopron wurde damit die zweite Merkur Casino-Filiale des Tochterunternehmens der familiengeführten Gauselmann Gruppe aus Espelkamp (NRW) eröffnet. In der slowakischen Hauptstadt Bratislava ist es die dritte Merkur Casino-Filiale.

September 13, 2010

Sopron casinos

Sopron casinos: "This article in the World Casino Directory is all about Sopron casinos and gambling in the city of Sopron. The city of Sopron can be found within Hungary.

Sopron has 1 casino. Our database says there are 44 gaming machines in Sopron, and 14 total table games.

September 10, 2010

Sopron Hungary tourism, Sopron tourist information

Sopron Hungary tourism, Sopron tourist information: "If Old World charm is the key reason you visit Europe for, the Hungarian city of Sopron is exactly what the doctor ordered for your European holiday, as it is very much the epitome of the attribute. The area is a smorgasbord, for want of a better word, of historical attractions, and has the most number of monuments in the whole of Hungary.

September 8, 2010

More Hungarian towns introducing crazy "buy local" schemes, funny money:

More Hungarian towns introducing crazy "buy local" schemes, funny money: "Despite our earlier mockery of Sopron's decision to start printing a 'local currency' called the kékfrank ('Blue Frank'), the mayor of Kapuvár recently decided to go ahead with a similar scheme. According to, the will be issued by the same 'bank' that is printing Sopron's 'money,' with the same security features that are integrated into the Ft 20,000 note. Meanwhile, other towns across the country are apparently rushing to introduce other half-baked plans to encourage locals to spend their money on local products and services.

12 Companies Nominated for 2010 Cartoon Tributes | Animation Magazine

12 Companies Nominated for 2010 Cartoon Tributes | Animation Magazine: "Twelve companies have been nominated for the three awards to be presented at Cartoon Tributes 2010.

The awards allow participants at the 21st annual Cartoon Forum, set for Sept. 14-17 in Sopron, Hungary, to vote for the best broadcaster, investor/distributor and producer of the year.

September 6, 2010

Carmiel Safed through from preliminary round on UEFA.COM

Carmiel Safed through from preliminary round on UEFA.COM: "A 1-0 win against hosts West Hungary in the decider in Sopron ensured Carmiel Safed progressed with a maximum nine points. In April 2011 they will compete in intermediary round Group 4 against the Slovenian representatives MNZ Murska Sobota and this month's other two preliminary round winners.

Erstes Krematorium im Burgenland geplant -

Erstes Krematorium im Burgenland geplant - "Zukunftsprojekt Einäscherung
'Und so wird es auch in Österreich und im Burgenland sein. Da das Burgenland sowas nicht hat, bin ich der Meinung, dass man in die Zukunft blicken muss. Und Deutschkreutz liegt mitten im Burgenland. Wir wollen auch Ungarn dazu nehmen - und Sopron ist mit 60.000 bis 70.000 Einwohnern ja keine kleine Stadt - da muss man wochenlang warten', so der Bürgermeister.

September 2, 2010


Sopron: "Sopron is one of the popular tourist destinations of Hungary. The town has a beautiful landscape featuring Lake Ferto, Brook Ikya and the great Sopron Mountains. It lies at the foothills of the great Alps and the Fertotó. The old buildings and churches in the town reflect the ancient Gothic architecture. The other notable characteristics of the different monuments of the town are the Gothic niches, Baroque architectures and the Romanesque decorations. According to an official list, there are 115 monuments and 240 ancient buildings that have been well maintained at Sopron.

Record for coldest last day of August broken -

Record for coldest last day of August broken - "The last day of August this year is a record-breaker: the coldest, with a temperature of 12 degrees Celsius in Sopron in the west and 13.2 degrees in Budapest, the national weather service said on Tuesday.

The previous coldest last day of August was in 1989 when 13.7 degrees was chalked up in Pecs in the south and 14.3 degrees was noted in Budapest.

Europe X Bike: Budapest to Vienna

Europe X Bike: Budapest to Vienna: "The ride from Budapest to Vienna took 3 days. I spent the night in the towns of Gyor and Sopron.

September 1, 2010

Kälterekord in Ungarn | Balaton Zeitung

Kälterekord in Ungarn | Balaton Zeitung: "In Ungarn und der Hauptstadt Budapest ist am Dienstag der Kälterekord für den letzten Tag des Monats August gebrochen worden. Dabei wurden in Sopron 12, in Budapest 13,2 Grad als Tageshöchsttemperatur gemessen, berichten Medien unter Berufung auf den Landeswetterdienst. Zuletzt hatte sich der 31. August im Jahre 1989 sehr kühl verabschiedet. Damals waren in Pécs 13,7 und in Budapest 14,3 Grad als Maximum ermittelt worden.